5.Posted by Dash the Wednesday 17 April 2013 at 01:21
I'm impressed by your writing. Are you a prfoesisoanl or just very knowledgeable?
4.Posted by Andry the Tuesday 16 April 2013 at 06:07
Blasdales Hi to all the Blasdales! I'm currently rshraeceing my family tree and think I may have discovered a link with the Blasdale family in Nottingham. My fathers' name is Michael Hallam-Clarke (and his father was George Hallam-Clarke) and I'd had no luck with name My father has recently found a limited family tree that his father George drew up and it appears that Georges' father (my great grandfather) was an Arthur Blasdale from Nottingham. We think he was married to a Beatrice Mary Adams (her maiden name?) and they had 7 children John Arthur, Edward Adams, Roland Harry, James Blasdale, Harold (nickname Jelly), George (my grandfather) and Beatrice Jennifer (who we think was known as Jenny and married a vicar called Aggasi). At some point the family name changed to Clarke and we believe Arthur (and family) moved to Ramsgate in Kent where he was the Town Clerk. Does this tie into any existing Blasdale tree? AscotBerkshireUKPosted Sunday, May 11 2003
3.Posted by Kyle the Wednesday 11 July 2012 at 08:47
It's Lily Tenue ! Great !
2.Posted by Brysen the Sunday 18 December 2011 at 05:42
Always refreshing to hear a raoitnal answer.
1.Posted by Oussa the Tuesday 06 July 2010 at 09:17