1.Posted by Suwannee the Tuesday 07 July 2015 at 02:23
Ha! These are fun! I love getting to know these tdbiits about you. When I was 14, I didn't crash into a pole...but I did "walk my dog past my crush's house" (i.e. crazy-person stalked him) AND he SAW me. I died of humiliation...and I'm pretty sure he told the rest of the water polo team, of which he was a part. People don't often finish my sentences for me, and I don't think I'm terribly long-winded, but my husband's family has a habit of talking over each other, in a rush to make their next point, and it REALLY ticks me off because I often actually do have to say, "That was not what I was going to say!" because they assume a point I'm making but it wasn't the one I had in mind at all. But who knows. Maybe I am longwinded after all! :)