1.Posted by Love the Tuesday 07 July 2015 at 17:53
Known as the great user-friendly and easy to use website,“Tumblr.” Has becmoe very popular throughout the world. It has many different uses and aspects contained within the website such as blogging, images, audio, video, etc. I think it is so widely liked because it is free and available for anyone to see. Once you create a site and becmoe a member yourself, you can even “follow” your friends to see what they post and their interests. “Tumblr.” is a way for people to stay in touch over short and long distances.After using “Tumblr.” I personally thought that it is an awesome website because of all the options to post and being able to keep in touch with friends. Although, there was not many options to choose from and you would need to pay if you wanted the more advanced features available.On an educational standpoint, “Tumblr.” is a way for students to keep in touch if they ever need help with their homework. People can post tutorial videos or comments on a fellow peers “Tumblr.” page if that person needs help. Further commenting is available too for anyone to have access to, so other classmates can join the conversation too. It can basically be described as a group chat because it is a convenient and easy to use connection for students and teachers.